end of an era

end of an era

A 20 page A4 zine produced in an edition of 60, each copy is numbered and printed on recycled paper.

The zine shows photographs of the former Royal Worcester Porcelain which closed in 2009 after 258 years. The images were taken in 2012 when we had the opportunity to go around the site before it was cleared. This is the first time that the images have been seen in public.

enough to see but not enough to see by

enough to see but not enough to see by

A 20 page A4 zine produced in an edition of 60, each copy is numbered and printed on recycled paper.

The zine contains the images from a photo shoot we did in the studio, alongside phrases taken from ‘House of Leaves’ (Mark Z Danielewski, 2000) – a novel with no clear singular meaning and which Danielewski has largely avoided giving a set interpretation of the text. This forces readers to walk away with their own conclusions/interpretations, and this is ours.



A recent study shows that an individual in the UK interacts with their electronic device an average 28 times a day, with a young person interacting up to 150 times a day.

The original photograph has been manipulated using a digital databending technique to produce a glitch image. It has been created by inserting 28 pieces of text from Bollnow, a German philosopher, into the jpeg file of the portrait to disrupt the code.

Erosion of Space

Erosion of Space

The erosion of the space and security of the home, can lead to changes in human behaviour, a decline in relationships and the deterioration of mental health.

The emergence, and subsequent accessibility of the Internet has compromised the protection from the ‘external chaos’ of the outside world. Electronic screens enable social media and news to be an almost constant pressure on the individual, causing the boundaries between the internal and external worlds to be blurred.

Wall Stories

Wall Stories

A house is an intimate space constructed of memories and experiences.

The architecture of the house plays an important role in giving our memories meaning and context. The home is where we make plans for our lives – the memories form blueprints in our minds of our experiences and the places we have lived.



An exploration of objects that have a value through association or memory – ornaments, knick-knacks or personal items, often inherited or kept for sentimental reasons.

Why do we keep these things and what memories do they evoke? What’s their story – who did they belong to? How did they become a small part of our lives, oft unnoticed, but having the power, when seen, to trigger thoughts and memories of someone, or a place, or time dear to us?



In 1943 a woman’s body was found by chance in the hollow of a tree in Hagley Wood, West Midlands, UK. Subsequent police investigations have failed to identify either the murdered woman or her murderer(s). This has led to much speculation and rumour and forms the basis for this series of photographs.

Bella is the name that has been given to the murdered woman and appears in graffiti relating to the murder. The name Bella references the association of witches with the plant Belladonna (Deadly Nightshade).